All posts by behy

Ha Ling Peak – VikOn

On Sunday November 1st, 2015 the first stand (belay station) of a new climbing route called by working name “VikOn” has been placed in the North Face of Ha Ling Peak (2407 m/7897 ft), Canmore, Alberta. The beginning of the route is situated between existing routes “Sysiphus Summits” (A) and “Orient Express” (B).
GPS position of the beginning on the trail: 51°03’54.6″N 115°23’52.9″W

L1 – access pitch 2 UIAA (5.0, length cca 35 m), Starts on the hiking trail under the North Face. Ends at the eastern end of the angled ledge in the corner (belay station BS1).
BS1 GPS: 51°03’54.3″N 115°23’52.2″W
L2 – second pitch cca 7+ UIAA (5.10d, cca 20 m), Starts in the corner on the angled ledge (BS1). In progress currently. There are big loose stones in the overhang above and left of the bolt #5 (left “black” variant). Loose stones in 50% of the length!
Anchor bar #5 (right “white” variant) sits in the loose “exfoliated” rock! No hangers left in the right variant.
Short videos from setting of it:

Beginning of the L2
The right “white” variant of the L2.
The left “black” variant of the L2
Ondřej Běhal, Czech rock climber and mountaineer, Rock climbing instructor of the Czech mountaineering association
Mirek Fiala, Czech mountaineer and pow rider

Photos here.

Drumheller, Dry Island Buffalo Jump, Grotto Mountain, AB

Drumheller a Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park se nachazi na strednim toku Red Deer River v Alberte. Ta zde prorezava sirokosahlou prerii hlubokym kanonem dlouhym pres 200 km. Na jeho svazich jsou odkryty kridove a mladsi pribrezni a suchozemske sedimenty. Proslule je predevsim cetnymi nalezy koster, stop, vajec atp. kridovych jesteru. V Drumhelleru je situovano Royal Tyrrell Museum, kde je soustredena unikatni sbirka fosilii nejen z Alberty. Mistni kride je samozrejme venovana znacna cast expoxic, ktere jsou neustale doplnovany o nove nalezy, preparovane paleontology primo na miste.
Foto k videni zde:
Drumheller a Dry Island Buffalo Jump

Hike na Grotto Mountain je Canmoreska klasika. Na zacatek sezony jsme prece jen trochu precenili sily 🙂 Sotva jsem chodil jeste pet dni 😉 Nicmene uchvatny omrzly vrcholovy hrebinek a krkavec sedici na samem vrcholu mi namahu bohate vratili. Hory jsou krasne, vsak vime.
Foto k videni zde:
Grotto Mountain